1-Another very wrong kick........2-What I believe a good mod is


So I'm in the trivia room again, actually I'm in both sites -net and also this one. Anyways, I notice -you know who- came to the room probably as he noticed me come there too. He usually decides to quit when I start playing. I don't actually want to talk much about all that unless I have to in this case. So anyway I was playing in net and decided to log on here too to play. The same time I joined the room he joined as well.. then he disconnected from net to play here. For obvious reasons to me- which I decided to point out in chat. I said "funny, you don't want to play there anymore so you switch" which was me saying he didn't wanna play there anymore because I was playing there and that slows him down usually, plus when he saw me arrive here he then decided to play here- That's what I saw.
And that's what earned me another wrong kick- look at the screenshot I took of the reason he put for kicking me for about 2 hours I think. Now how on earth did he misinterpret me this much? idk. I don't think it's misinterpretation, he's just making his decisions out of spite for me clearly, because it's obvious from here on he's gonna keep on twisting the meaning of my messages now to villainize me because there's no way someone can take my message out of context like that and miss the mark by that much. So as I thought- he'd look for silly little reasons to kick me and have me banned, and now you can see that he'll even manifest them so he can do that.
You tell me. Are mods supposed to let their personal scrap/dispute/feud/vendetta and spite for a particular person enter their decision making in their job? Because he clearly has something personal against me, he clarified and I myself know it and have proof of that, but as far as I know- I broke no rules at all in this chat site. The reason he put was "for false allegations of him and Bobafox being the same person"- now how on earth did I say him and Bobafox are the same person? I know them well and I know they're not, and let's say even if I did mean right? let's say even if I did that mean that which I obviously didn't- would it be serious enough for a kick tho? It was just said once, no warnings? no mute? I was talking to him-but it's not like I tagged him even. It's not like I kept saying it on and on and on to him or spammed it or anything. And it's not even a big deal, not a rule breach and don't forget this is just an instance even and what I did was sooo not this at all and clearly the meaning he got from it was fabricated by him and senseless. Anyway what I see here which is actually what I foresaw and expected from him- is a mod abusing power and authority to spite me, antagonize me and just all round letting his enmity towards me find it's way into his job as a mod. Which is to be a just authority figure who doesn't let personal feelings of spite for anyone push him/her to punish the person when they've done nothing wrong, to punish indiscriminately--in the sense that you can bring yourself to penalize those who break a rule even if they're your friend and you like them.. and also vice versa- which is not punishing those who don't break a rule even if you don't like them and you spite them even.. primarily I mean just YEETING your personal views, opinions and feelings for some people when it comes to your job as a mod- but also be patient, reasonable and a good listener or rather lemme say *reader since it's online. Yeah, clearly being a mod is not easy lol and one can't be perfect at the job all the time and that's ok-- As long as they can later recognize and acknowledge whatever mistakes they might make, then seek resolution and better themselves in their job. An apology is a sweet touch that wouldn't hurt either (unless one has too much pride). So mods who are like that which I described are good and very worthy of that job and kinda perfect for it even. Idk, I feel like he should be confronted about this maybe.

Anyways I wanna apologize for the length of this, I know it's pretty long winded but yeah. I have an obsession with trying to get my points across very clearly. The screenshot of the kick will be provided down below I guess and to clarify again now the mod is Steven nz.

PS- If you read up to this point- here's some ice cream for you 🍦🍦🍦


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